Getting Care At Home
April 4, 2024
So, you’ve decided that the best thing for your loved one (or you) is to get some help with care at home. It could be help with meals, or with personal care, cleaning or companionship, or a mixture of all of these things. If you have more than £23,250 in savin...
Halfway through January
January 18, 2024
We're over halfway through
the month of January. You don’t have to declutter your whole home in one month, but if you need some inspiration to keep going here are a few more tips.You don’t have to fill every cupboard or shelf you own, so rejoice in an empty space. See our blog fro...
Reflecting on time with your loved ones
December 28, 2023
Did you notice anything different...
We hope you all had a fantastic Christmas day with your friends and family, or if you were alone, that you enjoyed the peace and quiet. We know lots of people who prefer a quiet one, so if that’s you, we salute you!Following up on our last post, did you notice anythi...
Festive Relaxing
December 21, 2023
Over the next week or so...
...most of you will spend time with friends and family, some of whom will be your older relatives. Whilst you are with them and having a lovely festive and relaxed time, they may not want to tell you about anything happening to them as they may feel too proud. Ho...
parentsseniorsgrandparentsorganisemovinghomedecluttergetorganisedorganisedattorneysclutterHelping grandparentshelping parentsolderolderpersoncommunitydeathgettingorganisedhelp for older familyhomeadminpowerofattorney#grandparents#organised#parentscareconnectiondigital inclusionendoflifefinancialisolationITmobilephoneplanning#a11y #organised #gettingstuffdone#clutter#declutter#downsize#getorganised#gettingstuffdone#moving#older#systemsadult childrenattendanceallowancebacktoschoolcablescafecarcarehomecarelinechangeofaddressChanges in loved oneschurchcomputercongestiondementiadownsizedownsizingdrivingemptycupboardentitlementfinal billsfindmymobilegameshealthandwelfarehelphelpforgrandparentshelpforparentshelpinghouseclearanceindependencejanuaryjanuary goalslostmobilelovememoriesneeding a cleanerneighboursnotmeanstestedofficeoffice, organising, declutter, paper, getorganisedolder peopleonlineoutsourceover70sPAparentproductivityremovalsretiredretirementrightsizesilver sundaysocialcarestolenmobilesupplierstechnologytidytidyuptradestradespeopleulezUsing a stickutilitieswillzoom