

Attendance allowance

May 23, 2024
Have you heard of Attendance Allowance? It is a government benefit that helps with extra costs if you are over state pension age and need someone to help look after you.It might be that you feel you don’t need financial support now, but it is a non-means tested benefi...
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The inevitable will happen to all of us and it’s good to get planning and talking about it before we go.  The inevitable might be that your attorneys need to act for you or help you during your lifetime or it might be information for your executors when you die. ...
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Choosing your attorneys

February 29, 2024
Last week we talked about the importance of powers of attorney.   So if you have decided you want to make them, you need to think about who might be the best attorneys for you*.  Some of the following might help you to decide:They don’t have to be your relat...
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Power of Attorney

February 22, 2024
Have you written and registered your power of attorney yet?  We have done ours and many people might think we’re too young.But you’re never too young; it doesn’t matter what age you are, if something happens to you and you can’t make decisions, then life can get...
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