Deciding to move into a care home
July 18, 2024
Making the decision to go into a care home is never an easy decision. In-home care is a great alternative, but it doesn’t work for everyone. If you need to go into a care setting these are some things to look for when assessing the options:Activities - if...
Driving as you get older
June 20, 2024
As you get older you may find that you use your car less, but want to keep hold of it to maintain your independence. Your loved ones might be trying to persuade you to give up the car and you don’t want to. When friends and family suggest giving up driving...
Is it time to downsize?
March 17, 2023
There are many reasons why you or your parents might be thinking about downsizing. Or perhaps you haven’t thought about it yet but now, reading this, realise it might actually solve some of the issues you face.FinancesFinances are the most common reason for downsizin...
Helping Hands
November 8, 2019
It's the weekend. Your mum has some letters and emails you need to help her reply to. You have two children under 12 with activities galore and you need to go and buy some new football boots urgently. Your husband is away on a stag do. Do you: a) ignore her for now and ...
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