Not everyone has friends and family nearby to help them in retirement.  However, there are other resources available to help:Age UK is a UK-wide charity which has various support options available including footcare, shopping, handyman, d...
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Making the decision to go into a care home is never an easy decision.  In-home care is a great alternative, but it doesn’t work for everyone.  If you need to go into a care setting these are some things to look for when assessing the options:Activities -  if...
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It’s July, and your heating system is probably far from your mind.  But now is a good time to get your system serviced.  Find out why:  Boiler companies are less busy from April through to August and they are able to book you in at a time of your choosi...
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As you get older there is the sweet irony that you have more time to go on holiday but actually going might be becoming more and more difficult.  So here are some tips to get the best from your holiday:Make sure you get insurance that covers any illnesses or conditions ...
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We help many different types of people move home, not just older people.  Most of our older people are downsizing because they recognise their home is the wrong size or type for them and their lifestyle.    But we do get older people who move to a differe...
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Driving as you get older

June 20, 2024
As you get older you may find that you use your car less, but want to keep hold of it to maintain your independence.   Your loved ones might be trying to persuade you to give up the car and you don’t want to. When friends and family suggest giving up driving...
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Decluttering is difficult for anyone and it’s even harder for hoarders.  Hoarding is related to difficult experiences and feelings and it is not possible for a hoarder to ‘just get rid of things’.  Counselling is recommended before commencing any declutt...
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Internet banking

June 6, 2024
Most of us do internet banking these days, but if we are older we may not have got into that, or we might distrust it and feel that it is too difficult to learn now.  However, if you have set up internet banking it makes it easier to pay people and to check your balance...
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Stay hydrated

May 31, 2024
As you get older you need to drink more water to keep hydrated to compensate for your body’s decrease in its ability to retain water, and to prevent various health issues that become more common with age such as constipation, UTIs, and cognitive impairment.Here are a few w...
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Attendance allowance

May 23, 2024
Have you heard of Attendance Allowance? It is a government benefit that helps with extra costs if you are over state pension age and need someone to help look after you.It might be that you feel you don’t need financial support now, but it is a non-means tested benefi...
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