

Most tradespeople are honest and trustworthy but it doesn’t matter what our age, we’ve all had a tradesperson who didn’t care, or who was in a rush to do some work for us.  And I bet we didn’t follow them up on each of those visits.  Imagine then if we ended up with someone who was a bit of a wrong ‘un!  How would we deal with that?  And how would you deal with that if you were older?

So if you have an older neighbour, look out for them.  They may be living with dripping taps, dodgy electrics, holes in the roof, or clogged gutters to name a few, because they are worried about being in their home on their own with a tradesperson or don’t know who to call to get something done. 

Some charities like Age UK offer a handyman service, so they are a good place to start to find someone reliable and trustworthy; but for bigger jobs, we all need to look out for our older folk and be sure we are sharing good contacts and helping them feel safe when getting work done.

If you need help in identifying decent quality and reliable tradespeople, please ask us for a copy of our Silver Pages. 

One Stop Organisers:  Here to help your older loved ones live their best lives.


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